Agenda item

Petitions received under Standing Order 44 (Cab.27.7.2022/5)


RESOLVED that the report notifying the receipt of the following petitions be noted and the recommended actions for responding to them be endorsed:-


(a)     Containing the signatures of 1,104 signatories* (comprising 883 within Borough and 221 outside), in respect of speeding Vehicles on A635 dual carriageway at Stairfoot and Ardsley, Barnsley:-


The introduction of average speed cameras has not been supported as the current criteria set by the Department for Transport for Speed camera implementation has not been met. BMBC recently installed 20mph Speed Limit signs on Doncaster Road in the vicinity of Oakhill Primary School. BMBC are developing a new Active Travel route along the A635 and three pedestrian / cycle crossings will be provided as part of that scheme. It is recommended that the traffic team will also undertake an assessment before the end of July, to determine whether additional signs could be appropriate to manage the road. The Head of Highways, Engineering and Transportation write to the lead petitioner to explain the situation and address the concerns of the petitioners.

*It was noted that an additional 355 signatures from the Stairfoot and Ardsley area had been obtained further to the petition being submitted, taking the total to 1,238.


Supporting documents: