Agenda item

Adult Social Care Performance Report March 2022 (Year-End) (Part-Exempt)


Members were invited to consider a report relating to:-


6a  Adult Social Care Performance Cover Report March 2022 (Year-End)

6b  Adult Social Care Performance Data Report March 2022 (Year-End) (Exempt)


Cllr Platts introduced the report which provided Members with the annual review of performance, including a mixture of local and national measures. The majority of indicators have been rated green and amber however, this year the service has been impacted by staffing issues and the cost-of-living crisis. For now, Barnsley has solid staff who will continue to meet needs for 2022/23.


The ensuing discussions included:-


When caring for a family member, the person being cared for must always be allowed to make their own decisions if they have the mental capacity.  However, they would be asked for consent to speak to their carer as they often have crucial information to share that can improve outcomes for the individual.


With regard to the very high performance for the percentage of S42 Decisions made within 72 hours –  the team informed members that they would like to improve this further and they are now working with partners, including the police, who have joined the ‘front door’ team and this multi-disciplinary approach is resulting in effective and timely decisions being made, ensuring that safeguarding opportunities are not missed. Data for other local authorities will be shared with Members to allow them to draw comparisons.


The team confirmed they research, identify and use areas of good practice from a variety of sources for projects in adult social care and use benchmarking to determine how they compare to other authorities. Similarly, the team have been approached by other authorities as an originator of good practice.


The recent adult social care reform announcements will signal a new approach from April 2023 and in preparation for this, a sector led improvement board has been established for Yorkshire & the Humber.  The new CQC framework means that the approach to performance will be revised to align with the framework and the CQC are introducing relationship managers aligned to Integrated Care Systems.


The key to successful social care is effective patient flow through the health and social care system, and the social work team have been doing an excellent job of getting people home and helping people to stay at home, as this is where people want to be.



(i)         Witnesses be thanked for their attendance and contribution; and

(ii)        Members note the report

(iii)       Witnesses to provide comparator data for other local authorities for the percentage of S42 decisions made within 72 hours


Supporting documents: