Agenda item

Healthy Hearts Defibrillator Project Update


C. McFarlane acknowledged that the Healthy Hearts partnered with the ward alliance to install the final defibrillator in Cudworth with maps going up on community notice board to show where the defibrillators are located. The plan is to now move forward with community first aid courses so that people are trained how to use them.


Cllr Makinson noted that she has been in contact with Steve Plunkett as there is the opportunity for more defibrillators so they are working on finding gaps.


Cllr Hayward stated that in Cudworth the problem with having more defibrillators is finding somewhere to put them as it can be problematic due to them being 24-hour access and requiring connecting to electricity, the ward alliance have offered to pay for this.


Cllr Ennis questioned why there wasn’t any movement on the Mill of the Black Monks having a defibrillator installed but it was reported that there were practicality issues and a guardian is required to perform regular checks and upload this information to YAS.


It was requested that this information is put on the council website and C McFarlane informed Members that there is matched funding available for additional defibrillators. She will ask YAS for a collective report to explore this further.


RESOLVED that C McFarlane will request a collective report from YAS to share with Members.


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