Agenda item

Mental Health Strategy, Action Plan and 'You Said, We Listened' Report (HWB.07.06.2016/8)


The meeting received a report on the All-Age Mental Health and Wellbeing Commissioning Strategy for 2015 to 2020 and noted the engagement with partners and service users in developing the strategy.  The meeting welcomed in particular the focus on and approach to the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.  The strategy continued to be developed, with the intention to work up one section in detail with stakeholders as the model for developing the whole strategy.


Members commented on the importance of inter-agency working on this strategy, in particular to explore in the depth the range of interdependencies and undertake further action planning.  The Board welcomed the approach to developing the strategy as a good example of listening, with a pause in the timeline to allow full feedback.  The action planning needed to pick up the issue of outcome indicators that could show progress on delivering the strategy.  Progress monitoring would be undertaken by the Adult Commissioning Unit and escalated to the Board as necessary.


RESOLVED that the All-Age Mental Health and Wellbeing Commissioning Strategy for 2015 to 2020 be endorsed.


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