Agenda item

BCF Plan 2016/17 (HWB.07.06.2016/5)


The meeting received an update on the contents of the Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan for 2016/17, incorporating in the appendix a copy of the final draft plan submitted on 21st March 2016 under the assurance process.  Partners were continuing to work on the approach to the BCF beyond 2016/17 and this would be the subject of a report to a future Board meeting.



(i)        that the report be received and the Better Care Fund Planning Submission Template and supporting narrative be endorsed;

(ii)       that the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board be authorised to approve any amendments to the plan as a result of the assurance process;

(iii)      that the further work required to develop the approach to the Better Care Fund beyond 2016/17 be noted.


Supporting documents: