Agenda item

Best Bar None Awards - Darryl Hand


Darryl Hand, Neighbourhood Engagement Officer, was welcomed to the meeting to provide members with an update on the Best Bar None Scheme.


Members were informed that the Best Bar None Scheme was a national accreditation scheme regulated by the Home Office.  In total 9 venues had been accredited in the Dearne Area and around 16 had been identified in total but that there had been insufficient time to have them all accredited.  Officers had identified a number of other venues to include in the future scheme such as cricket clubs and footballs clubs.


Members queried how venues became accredited and were informed that there was a list of 90 questions, mostly set by a national team but that some local schemes had been included such as pub watch which is a local safeguarding scheme.  Out of the 9 accreditations, 6 of those venues also received awards at the awards evening.


For those venues that had either none or very few of the standards such as first aid training, public liability cover or a licence to record people on CCTV, a number of visits and information had been passed onto them in order to get them up to standard.  Plans were in place to review what could be improved upon and that venues were already in contact who wished to take part in the future.  Councillors requested a copy of the Best Bar None criteria and information packs that were distributed to licensees. 


RESOLVED that thanks be given to Darryl for the update and all the hard work that had been undertaken in pulling together the Best Bar None scheme in the area.