Agenda item

Future Commissioning Report (Dac.11.7.2022/6)


The Area Manager introduced the item, referring to the Tackling the Environment commission provided by Twiggs Grounds Maintenance which was due to end in March, 2023.


Members were informed of the choices they had going forward which were outlined in the report and also how some aspects of the specification had changed for the new commission.  In considering the choices set out for the service, members were minded to choose Option B to recommission the service at a cost of £90,000 per annum with an up lift of 3% for the second year.


Members attention was then drawn to the Housing and Cohesion Officer post funded by the Area Council which was due to end in March, 2023.  Members were provided with the 2 options set out in the report and informed that if at any time the Area Council wished to cease with the commission of the officer then any redundancy costs would be covered by the Safer Neighbourhood Service.


In considering the options members reiterated the importance of the proactive role in the Dearne Area and were minded to choose Option B to commission the post for 2 years at a cost of £33,277 for the first year and £33,967 for the second year.


Members were provided with an update on the Dearne Development Fund and requested to approve a further £30,000 into the budget from the Area Council Funds in order to approve projects that meet with the Area Council priorities in a timely manner.  Following the publication of the report a further grant had been approved leaving a total of £5,976.41 in the pot.




(i)         that the options set out in the report for future Dearne Area Council commissions be noted;


(ii)        that the specification for the Tackling the Environment Commission be approved and that approval be given to procure this service for 2 years at a cost of £90,000 for the first year with a 3% uplift in the second year;


(iii)       that the Housing and Cohesion Officer service level agreement be approved for a further 2 years at a cost of £33,277 for the first year and £33,967 for the second year; and


(iv)       that the allocation of £30,000 into the Dearne Development Fund budget be approved.


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