Agenda item

Private Sector Housing Enforcement - Presentation (Cen.04.07.2016/3)


The Enforcement and Investigations Officer (Nicola Dagnall) and Private Sector Housing and Environment Officer (Diane Dodds) were invited to the meeting.    Members were reminded of the content of the Service Level Agreement, and the work of the team.  This included dealing with a number of issues that had a detrimental impact on others, working closely alongside other agencies.   Also noted were the aims and objectives the team had set.


The presentation went on to provide three case studies, showcasing the work of the team, the first of which related to an area of fly-tipping, anti-social behaviour and street drinking/drug taking. 


A proactive visit led to the examination of fly-tipping and subsequent investigation. This ultimately resulted in fines and CPN warning letters issued.  Members noted that the area was subsequently cleared, and following work with residents and local businesses, has remained clear.


The second case study referred to a residence, where neighbours had complained about rubbish in the grounds of the property.  On investigation officers found that occupier was terminally ill.  Support was therefore given in order to clear the waste, and to work with the landlord to make necessary repairs, enabling the resident to avoid eviction.  A referral was also made to the vulnerable person’s officer for assistance, and the family were referred to support services such as bereavement support.


The third case study referred to work with a family, which had been identified as vulnerable by Police.  There were concerns with child neglect and subsequently issues such as domestic violence, drug and alcohol misuse, a rat infestation, and safeguarding issues were found.


Social care was engaged, and referrals were made to a number of agencies including Victim Support, Phoenix Futures, Pest Control, and Welfare Rights.  Officers worked with the family to assist with rehoming, and as a result of the assistance the children involved were now attending school with the parent attending parenting classes.  The extended family had also received support.


Members were made aware that 686 different cases had been investigated, and the range of issues addressed was noted.  Officers made the meeting aware that every referral is investigated, as often minor issues, when investigated, led to unearthing further problems.


Members gave praise to the staff for their hard work, the impact the project had made, and the feedback Members had received from the team.  It was suggested that the early help given could help prevent the need for more high cost and more in-depth intervention later on.


A question was asked regarding whether landlords were resistant to intervention by the project.  It was noted that generally, once officers intervened, the landlords cooperated.   Further discussion took place on the impact of charging for pest control services, and whether this offered a deterrent to using the service.




(i)                    That thanks be given for the presentation and for the hard work the officers had undertaken;

(ii)                  That the Stronger Barnsley Locality Manager (Joe Micheli) and Interim Service Director, Stronger, Safer and Healthier Communities (Paul Hussey) share the good practice of the project with relevant directors, stressing the impact of early intervention and prevention.

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