Agenda item

Update on the Principal Towns Plan for Penistone - Fiona O'Brien


Fiona O’Brien and Gareth Web attended the meeting to provide members with a Principal Towns Updates. 


Members were informed that the Penistone Sheep had been signed off by Highways and that their bases were being installed in time for the summer school holidays.  The Sheep Trail information would be promoted on social media with a bio for each sheep in order for people to find and visit each one.


An update of the proposed Penistone Town Hall building works was provided with news that some changes had been made following the 4 years that had lapsed since the initial plans had been made including a change to office space and the removal of a planned cafe.  Members expressed their frustrations as to the length of time it had taken with no proposed planning date for approval. 


Members were minded to progress with the launch of the Penistone Sheep for the summer holidays with a view to also releasing communications for an approval date for going out to tender at the same time. 


Members were informed that new market stalls had been ordered to boost the look of the market barn and make it more appealing for hosting events in order to increase footfall in the Town.


RESOLVED that Fiona and Gareth be thanked for the update.