Agenda item

General Licensing Annual Report

The Service Director Legal Services will submit the General Licensing Annual report detailing the number of driver, operator and vehicle licences received, renewed or revoked during the period 1st April 2021 to 1st April, 2022.


The Service Director Legal Services submitted the General Licensing Annual Report detailing the number of driver, operator and vehicle licences received, renewed or revoked during the period 1st April, 2021 to 1st April, 2022.


Over the last 12 months:

·         508 active dual Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver Licences had been issued, 11 new licences had been issued, 95 licences had been surrendered or had expired and 1 licence had been revoked

·         616 vehicle licences were active, 15 Hackney Carriage Licences had been issued before but were active within the period, 126 Private Hire Vehicle Licences had been issued before but were active within the period, 69 new or renewed Hackney Carriage Vehicle licences had been issued and 406 new and renewed Private Hire Vehicle Licences had been issued

·         Of the vehicle licences issued, 466 related to vehicles that were five years old or older

·         94 Operator licences were active within the period, 15 new licences had been issued and 18 licences had expired


In addition to the processing of licence applications, Officers worked proactively with live licences to ensure that all elements of those licence were current and up to date.


In the ensuing discussion, reference was made to the following:


·         There was a discussion of the transportation of passengers with disabilities.  It was noted that there were 11 vehicles that were wheelchair accessible, however, passenger requirements could vary dependent upon the disability they had.  There was no legislation requiring a certain percentage of vehicles to be wheelchair accessible

·         It was noted that some members received complaints of taxi unavailability particularly at around school start and finish times

·         There was a discussion of unmet demand and of the ways this could be addressed

·         Information was provided about the criteria for Operator Licences and an explanation was given as to why there were currently 94 active licences

·         A breakdown of vehicles by type (diesel/petrol/electric), by emission rate and by age could be provided. 

·         It was reported that there was no legislation to regulate the age of vehicles.  A vehicle could be licensed and remain licensed provided it passed the stringent maintenance and standard of condition requirements.  In addition, there was no age limit restriction for drivers, but all had to comply with the approved medical requirements and have a valid DBS.  All drivers over the age of 60 had to have yearly medicals

·         Arising out of the above, there was a discussion of the factors that would encourage the take up of electric vehicles

·         In response to specific questioning, it was noted that the taxi side of the licensing Service was now fully digitised


RESOLVED that the Annual Report be received.

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