Agenda item



To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 17th November, 2021.


The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th November, were presented and arising therefrom one Independent Member referring to Minute 50 ‘Annual Governance Statement’ commented that his concerns around how, in his opinion, issues had been articulated within the AGS and press release regarding the bank fraud had not been recorded.


The Monitoring Officer reminded Members that the minutes of the meeting were not intended to be a verbatim record.  He acknowledged that there had been a full and frank discussion of this matter and appropriate action had been taken by the Council.  The Annual Governance Statement had subsequently been amended accordingly and the matter had also been raised when the report had been presented to Council.  In his opinion, therefore, this issue had been fully and satisfactorily addressed and the matter was now closed*.


Taking account of the comments now made, the minutes of the meeting held on the 17th November, 2021 were then taken as read and singed by the Chair as a correct record.


*it was later confirmed that, whilst not recorded in the manner requested by the Independent Member, reference had, nevertheless, been recorded within Minute 56 ‘Review of Accounts Payable/Payment Processing’ about concerns raised in relation to the AGS.


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