Agenda item

Carrs Lane, parts of both sides of Newland Avenue (and its side road junctions with Ring Farm Crescent, Carrs Avenue, Carrs Drive, Carrs Grove and Ring Farm Place), Cudworth, Barnsley - Prohibition of No Waiting At Any Time Restrictions Objection Report (Cab.26.1.2022/18)


RESOLVED that the Traffic Regulation Order in the format presented to Cabinet, was not approved.


Councillor Lamb, Cabinet Spokesperson, Environment and Transportation introduced the report and advised that the proposed scheme could not be implemented until such a time that the Council formally adopted all roads on the new development. However, that did not preclude the Council from seeking to plan and have ready to install those restrictions it felt necessary to prevent the potential for inconsiderate and obstructive on-street parking.


In considering the report, Members agreed that in light of the unknown factors and objections received, that no restrictions should be put in place until the estate was complete, at which time a further evidence based report should be submitted to Cabinet for decision as to whether restrictions were required.  The exception to this was the part of the estate where the TRO was part of the original planning application, namely Carrs Lane, which could be implemented.  Cllr Lamb advised that he would speak with officers as to whether the amendments required could be considered ‘minor’ or a further revised TRO report would need to be submitted.


RESOLVED that the Traffic Regulation Order in the format presented to Cabinet, was not approved.

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