Agenda item

Community Listening Report - Craig Taylor (Dac.17.01.2022/7)


Craig Taylor, Stronger Communities Project Officer, was welcomed to the meeting.


Members received an update on the Community Listening exercise which had taken place in order reengage with Groups that had lost contact or closed down due to the pandemic as well as engaging with the wider public. 


In total 234 responses had been collected which were evenly spread over the two Wards with the demographic hitting a wide range of age groups from working age up to 80 years old.  However, it was reported that the majority of those taking part were female and minority groups had been underrepresented.  Members were informed that the answers had been sorted into categories that aligned with the Ward Alliance and Area Council priorities.


A brief overview was provided of some of the questions and answers given showing the opportunities given to members of the community to talk about their concerns.  Particular reference was made around the anti-social behaviour in the community and what could be done to combat that in collaboration with partner agencies. 


In conclusion, members heard how people were generally happy with what was happening in the area and that there was a good sense of community spirit and neighbourliness.  Community Groups were building back up with support within the wards and green spaces and facilities around the area were valued with a determination to keep things tidy and looking nice. 


Members raised concerns and acknowledged that anti-social behaviour in specific areas of the Dearne was alarming and included criminal damage to properties which was regularly being reported to the Police and Safer Neighbourhood Teams.  Members were informed that the Police and Crime Commissioner was aware of the issues and had invested £10,000 to help tackle the problem through a variety of resources such as police in the area, more notice boards particularly in Thurnscoe to tackle the anti-social behaviour and litter picking equipment for distribution to groups in the area.


Members also commented that the perception of some members of the public was that gangs of youths congregating meant they would automatically be causing anti-social behaviour when they were just young people meeting up to socialise. 


Members were informed that following the community listening exercise the Area Council Team had worked through the comments to pull together an action plan to tackle some of the issues raised and to show that the community were being listened to.


RESOLVED that thanks be given for the presentation and update.

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