Agenda item

Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy (Cab.26.1.2022/9)



RESOLVED that Cabinet recommends to Full Council on 3 February 2022 that:-


1.    The Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy appended to the report be published in accordance with the statutory requirements and adopted by the Council;

2.    That the Institute of Licensing Suitability Guidance be adopted in its entirety;

3.    That the requirement for a driver medical report to be produced every year from the age of 60 be retained;

4.    That the D4 medical reports from a company called ‘Doctors on Wheels’ be no longer accepted for the reasons detailed within the report;

5.    That the application fee charged be non-refundable on the grounds that the Council is permitted to charge for the administration involved in the processing and granting of a licence; and

6.    That the topographical test be maintained as a means of ensuring that all licenced drivers have a good working knowledge of the area.


RESOLVED that Cabinet recommends to Full Council on 3 February 2022 that:-


1.    The Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy appended to the report be published in accordance with the statutory requirements and adopted by the Council;

2.    That the Institute of Licensing Suitability Guidance be adopted in its entirety;

3.    That the requirement for a driver medical report to be produced every year from the age of 60 be retained;

4.    That the D4 medical reports from a company called ‘Doctors on Wheels’ be no longer accepted for the reasons detailed within the report;

5.    That the application fee charged be non-refundable on the grounds that the Council is permitted to charge for the administration involved in the processing and granting of a licence; and

6.    That the topographical test be maintained as a means of ensuring that all licenced drivers have a good working knowledge of the area.

Supporting documents: