Agenda item

Land at Low Valley Farm, Pitt Street, Darfield - 2021/0602 - For Approval


The Head of Planning and Building Control submitted a report on Planning Application 2020/0602 [Reserved matters (Appearance, Landscaping, layout and Scale) application for development of 100 homes, structural planting and landscaping, an attenuation basin, children's play area and associated infrastructure in connection with outline planning permission 2019/1117 (Outline planning for up to 107 homes) at Land at Low Valley Farm, Pitt Street, Darfield, Barnsley, S73 9P]


RESOLVED that the application be granted in accordance with the Officer recommendation and subject to the addition of two conditions relating to the provision of life preservers/lifebuoys around the suds basin and the provision of ‘A frame’ barriers to deter motorbikes utilising the pedestrian routes. 

Supporting documents: