Agenda item

Better Care Fund - Update (HWB.05.04.2016/7)


The item was introduced by Jade Rose, the Head of Commissioning for Integration and Partnership from NHS Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group. It was noted that the plan for 2015/6 would roll forward into 2016/7, although the performance element and associated financial penalties would no longer apply.  The details would be agreed in coming weeks through the SSDG arrangements.


Members noted the position on performance set out in the report, and the continuing adverse trend in respect of non-elective hospital admissions.  A working group had been established to address this issue, and was due to report to SSDG on future actions, although Members emphasised the need for clarity on key activities proposed to improve performance.



(i)     The contents of the report including the proposed approach and timescales for developing the BCF plan for 2016/17 be noted;

(ii)    Authority be given to the Executive Director – People and the Chief Officer - NHS Barnsley CCG, to agree the the final plan in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair to ensure national submission deadlines can be met;

(iii)  SSDG brings forward an action plan identifying the key activities proposed to improve performance, particularly in relation to non-elective hospital admissions.


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