Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Development Update (HWB.05.04.2016/6)


The board received an update on the development of the Health and Wellbeing strategy, 2016-19, noting the progress made to date.  Also noted was the process and the associated timescales for developing the strategy.


The meeting noted the five key outcomes proposed for the strategy, set out at paragraph 3.4 of the report, which would form the basis of the work programme.  Members commented on the need to ensure that work on the strategy and the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (see minute 52 below) was fully coordinated, and were reassured that this was the intention.


Members commented on the need to ensure that the strategy focused on those areas of activity where joint working under the Board could make a difference. 



(i)           The progress to date and proposed timescales for consultation and completion of the revised strategy be noted;

(ii)          The following five key outcomes be approved as the basis of the strategy:-

·   Children start life healthy and stay healthy

·   People live longer, healthier lives

·   Health inequalities are reduced

·   People live in strong and resilient families and communities

·   People have improved mental health and wellbeing

(iii)         The timescales for the draft Annual Report (2015/16) be approved to coincide with the timescales for performance and subsequent schedule for the development and implementation of a revised partnership communication plan.

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