Agenda item

Procurement and Financial Update (Pac.07.10.2021/6)


The Area Council Manager spoke to the report noting that there had been little change in the financial picture.


Members were reminded that activities funded by the Supporting Vulnerable and Isolated Older People Grant had been extended during the pandemic for six months, and later on due to a further period of six months.  A workshop had been convened to discuss the requirements of a future service to support older and vulnerable residents, and the Area Council Manager was in the process of developing a specification.  Members noted that finance had already been allocated to this.

Those present heard that there had been no applications received from the Working Together Fund aside from £494 used to supplement the grant for younger people. Therefore, £33,699 of Working Together Fund remained for allocation, and it was agreed that this would be promoted widely.


Members were reminded that the Clean Green and Tidy Service was in the second year of the service, and there was the option of extending the service for a further 12-month period, which would be discussed later in the year.


It was noted that the Ward Alliance had a working budget of £26,925 for the 2021/22 financial year.  An additional £10,000 had been ringfenced to encourage applications from groups during the summer holidays.  Members noted £8,410 of this remained unallocated.  Therefore, a total figure of £18,620.13 remained within the Ward Alliance Fund.  It was suggested that the next meeting of the Area Council may wish to consider devolving further finance to the Ward Alliance Fund.


An overview of the budget was provided.  For 2021/22 £215,225 was available, which included any underspend carried forward.  An additional £10,000 was also provided from financial hardship monies.


Following approvals for the Clean, Green and Tidy contract, Supporting Vulnerable and Isolated Older People Grants, and after devolving £10,000 to the Ward Alliance Fund, £70,225 remained.  However, it was noted that £18,880 of Self Isolation Funds had been received and therefore the budget remaining for allocation was £89,105.


RESOLVED that the rep

ort be noted.

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