Agenda item

Report on the Use of Devolved Ward Budgets and Ward Alliance Funds (Dac.06.06.2016/8)


The Area Manager presented a report confirming that both the Dearne North and Dearne South Wards had spent all of their Devolved Ward Budget allocation for 2015/16 and that there would be no Devolved Ward Budget for 2016/17.


For Dearne North, the 2015/16 Ward Alliance underspent by £69 and therefore would have a starting budget for 2016/17 of £10,069.


For Dearne South, the 2015/16 Ward Alliance underspent by £1,160 and therefore the starting budget for 2016/17 would be £11,160.


RESOLVED that the report on the Devolved Ward Budgets and the Ward Alliance Funds be received.

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