Agenda item

Dearne Area Council Update on Financial Position, Procurement, and Health and Jobs Skills and Training Workshops (Dac.04.04.2016/5)


The Area Council Manager introduced the item, drawing attention to the current financial position for the Area Council at the end of the financial year.  Of the £255,428 available in 2015/16, £262,257 had been spent. This left a deficit of £6,819 to carry forward to 2016/17.  However, taking into account the income from Fixed Penalty Notices of £25,522.95, there was £18,793.95 to carry forward to 2016/17.


After taking into account that £52,846 had already been allocated in 2016/17, the figure remaining was £165,847.95.


With regards to the procurement of an Environmental Enforcement Service, Members noted that the tender evaluation was completed on 22nd January, 2016, and that two providers were interviewed in late January.  The meeting heard how Kingdom Security had been the preferred provider and the contract with them commenced on 1st April, 2016.


The meeting received feedback from the Health Workshop held on 4th February, 2016.  25 practitioners, officers and residents attended. Data relating to health in the area and current services being provided were considered.


Members noted the work planned to map provision in the area and identify any gaps in service where the Area Council may wish to intervene.  It was noted that the CCG was looking to extend its social prescribing pilot which may dovetail with the work of the Area Council.  It was also acknowledged that the workshop would also inform the health theme of the Dearne Approach.


The meeting considered the outcome of the Jobs, Skills and Training Workshop, held on 7th March, 2016.  This had highlighted the significant amount of support available in the area, and it was noted that this would lead to mapping of the provision, the development of an action plan and potentially the production of a local directory.



(i)        that the financial position for the Area Council be noted;

(ii)       the progress made in commissioning an Environmental Enforcement Service from 1st April, 2016 be noted and;

(iii)      the feedback from the Health, and Jobs, Skills, and Training workshops be noted.


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