Agenda item

Audit Committee Work Plan


The Committee received a report providing the indicative work plan for the period June 2021 to June 2022.


The Head of Internal Audit, Anti-Fraud and Assurance commented on the work being undertaken particularly in respect of the Risk Register and the proposals to invite Executive Directors to attend future meetings to present key issues and action emanating from those risks within their respective departments.


A schedule of items was also being prepared for the submission of reports particularly on the wider aspects of governance in support of the governance and assurance framework and, in addition, a programme of future training and awareness sessions was being pulled together.  Future items so far included presentations on the Lessons from Public Interest Reports (Croydon and Nottingham); the Glassworks; the arrangements of the Sheffield City Region and the interface and governance arrangements particularly insofar as it impacted on Barnsley; and Treasury Management.  Members were also encouraged to inform the Chair or the Head of Internal Audit, Anti-Fraud and Assurance of any items they wished to see included as future items for discussion.


Members of the Committee were also informed that additional tentative meetings had been included within the timetable for June and September, this was largely due to the current uncertainty as to the timetable for the approval of the final accounts.


Written responses to questions asked by Members of the Committee were provided as follows:


·         Additional updates on the impact and the risks associated with Covid would be provided throughout the year

·         An update on the Glassworks Strategic Risks would be presented at the meeting to be held in September


RESOLVED that the core work plan for meetings of the Audit Committee be approved and reviewed on a regular basis.

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