Agenda item

Finance Update Report (Dac.18.01.2021/5)


Claire Dawson, Dearne Area Council Manager spoke to the report previously circulated.


An overview of the financial position was provided. The Area Council had an opening budget of £214,720.67, which, as previously reported, was supplemented by an additional £10,000 from the hardship fund. Members had approved the Education, Environment and Volunteer Service, Housing and Migration Officer, Employability Service and Social Connectivity Service, together with an allocation of £28,000 to the Dearne Development Fund.


It was noted that £173.67 remained unallocated, however, income from NESTA to support the Social Connectivity Service had been received leaving a total of £9, 663,67 unallocated.


Following the allocation of £28,000 to the Dearne Development Fund, together with £10,000 from the hardship fund, and finance carried forward from 2019/20, £41,650.68 was available to distribute. Members noted that awards had been given to DIAL, CAB, Thurnscoe Community Plaza and Highgate Outdoor Improvement Scheme  and that £11,427.68 remained in the fund.


In relation to the remaining funding in the Dearne Development Fund it was noted that funding bids had to include a Covid related element in order to be eligible.  It was hoped that any remaining budget not spent could be carried over into the next financial year given the exceptional circumstances.


RESOLVED that the report be received.

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