Agenda item

Performance Report Q3 (Dac.15.03.2021/9)


The Area Council Manager introduced the item referring to the report circulated, which had been produced in a revised format.

Members were reminded of the currently funded services and which Area Council priority these contributed towards.


During quarter three, October to December 2020, Twiggs Grounds Maintenance had supported 50 community groups and businesses, worked with 26 volunteers, encouraged 19 new volunteers, and collected 149 bags of rubbish.


The B:Friend service had continued to support residents, including 73 older neighbours isolating.  There had been 468 volunteer hours pledged to befriend others. 83 hours of staff time had been used for calls and visits, and the service had distributed 44 Bundles of Joy packs. It was noted that 11 new referrals had been received


Dearne Electronic Community Village had supported 61 learners in the quarter, with 18 of these being new learners.  28 learners had achieved a qualification, with 4 of these going into employment and 18 into further training.


Members heard how the Private Sector Housing Enforcement Officer had received 120 reports, and their work had contributed to 42 properties being improved.  33 residents had been helped make positive changes, with 42 houses supported to responsibly recycle or dispose of waste The officer had also reported 43 incidences of fly tipping.


In relation to the service provided by Citizen’s Advice Bureau, 36 people with 74 issues had been supported within the quarter.  This had resulted in an additional £37,580 of benefit being claimed and £18,000 of debt being managed.


DIAL had received 214 enquiries within the quarter, with 300 people reporting reduced anxiety as a result of the support provided by the service.  £199,770.36 of additional benefit claims had also been supported.


Members received feedback from the service delivered by TADS.  Though not able to provide the service in school, provision had been provided online and face to face where safe.  There had been 29 drop-ins, with 25 service users reporting an improvement in their wellbeing. Within the quarter two new volunteers had joined the project.


Those present discussed the legacy impacts of the pandemic, including an anticipated increase in unemployment. It was noted that a workshop was being organised in order to consider the services provided by the Area Council in light of the pandemic.


RESOLVED:-that the report be received.

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