Agenda item

Covid-19 Pandemic - Update


The Executive Director Core Services will provide the Committee with an update of the current situation and work being undertaken in relation to the Covid-19 Pandemic.


The Executive Director Core Services provided the Committee with an update of the current situation and work being undertaken both by the Council and by its partners in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic.


He stated that a report was to be submitted to Cabinet in December outlining in more detail the work that had been taking place.  In particular there had been an LGA Peer Review that had assessed the Council’s recovery plan and this would be a useful document to present to Committee at the next meeting.


The work that had been ongoing over the last month or so had been all about moving from Tier 3 into lockdown together with all the challenges that this brought with it – communications and ensuring that legislation was complied with including work with businesses and residents.


The move from lockdown back into Tier 3 had also brought significant challenges particularly in relation to the hospitality industry.  Work was also ongoing with regard to the development of a programme around vaccination which would pose huge logistical issues and staff within the Authority, including Mr S Dobby (Head of Corporate Health, Safety and Emergency Resilience) and the Health and Safety Team were actively involved in this process.  Whilst no firm date had been determined as to when vaccination would commence, it was important for all preparations to be made in advance.  Consideration was also being given as to whether or not the Authority would be involved in a community testing programme.


The good news was, however, that the infection rates within Barnsley had been dropping over the last three to four weeks and this was a great sign in terms of the challenge faced by the hospital and the health care services.


The borough’s position within Tier 3 was to be reviewed in two weeks’ time.


RESOLVED that the update report be noted.