Agenda item

Creating our Mental Health Partnership

Diane Lee, Head of Public Health


Diane Lee, Head of Public Health, introduced the item.  Members were reminded of previous discussions regarding mental health and the establishment of a Mental Health Partnership.


An initial vision and priorities were noted, but it was suggested that the partnership would finalise these and work towards developing objectives and intelligence/performance measures. The partnership would concentrate its efforts where it could make most difference, adding challenge and holding others to account. 


Infographics were shared relating to health across the life-course and it was suggested that similar could be developed with this focusing efforts.


It was suggested that a meeting be convened in January, and Members were asked to put forward nominations to be part of the partnership.  It was noted that the partnership would also report into the Health and Wellbeing Board, who would hold it to account.


Members acknowledged the need to ensure the Partnership worked closely with such as the Children’s Trust and Safer Communities Partnership.



(i)           That the establishment of a Mental Health Partnership be supported, reporting to the Health and Wellbeing Board, with its first meeting planned for January, 2021; and

(ii)          That Members forward nominations to sit on the Partnership to Diane Lee.


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