Agenda item

Community Safety in the Dearne - Fiona Tennyson (Dac.14.09.2020/5)


Fiona Tennyson, Community Safety Team Leader, was welcomed to the meeting.  Members were made aware of the impact of lockdown, with staff primarily working from home and unable to attend such as Police briefings.  The Housing and Migration Officer had continued to be proactive, however they had refrained from knocking on doors and discussing issues with residents. Instead, issues had been raised via letter.  Given that there were a number of issues with services such as Household Waste Recycling Centres and bin collection, a pragmatic approach was taken, with advice being given to residents.


Members noted changes in shifts of PCs and PCSOs and the currently reduced numbers.


Those present discussed recurring issues around youth nuisance in the park and issues on Poplar Avenue.  It was suggested that a multi-agency approach would be taken in Poplar Avenue, with issues being addressed in private and Berneslai Homes properties, and also from a Police perspective.


Members questioned how social distancing would be enforced and a number of instances were discussed around the area.  Members were encouraged to report violations.  However, as these changes were very recent, how these would be enforced was not yet clear.


Issues with delays in cases being heard at court were noted, with backlogs being addressed but on a hierarchical basis.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.