Agenda item

Women's Centre - Jayne Hellowell (Dac.14.09.2020/3)


Jayne Hellowell, Head of Commissioning – Healthier Communities, was welcomed to the meeting to provide an update on the Women’s Centre.


Work on the centre had progressed despite the impact of the pandemic. The upstairs was now fully refurbished, with some IDAS staff already working from the centre.  Planning permission had been sought, which would enable the extension of the café as part of the ground floor refurbishment.  It was hoped that all works would be completed by the end of the financial year, if not sooner.


Services from the centre would continue as before, which included the Snap Tin Café and treatment services.  It was noted that there had been some discussion about the name of the centre, but it was decided that ‘The Factory’ was well known in the area so this would remain with some rebranded signage.


Though data was not available at the meeting about the numbers accessing IDAA, it was agreed that this would be provided to Members.  Throughout lockdown IDAS had continued to provide a service, but this had moved to being delivered digitally.   Members noted national press about hidden harms including potential rises in domestic abuse during lockdown. Assurances were given that services were well managed in Barnsley and therefore would not necessarily result in any spikes being seen.


A question was raised as to whether sexual health services would be provided in the centre, and it was agreed that this would be considered.


RESOLVED that thanks be given for the update.