Agenda item

Procurement and Financial Update (Pac.23.07.2020/6)


The Area Council Manager introduced the item referring to services provided by the Supporting Vulnerable and Isolated Older People Services, the Working Together Fund and the Clean and Tidy Service.


Members were informed that Age UK were due to give a full review of the Supporting Vulnerable and Isolated Older People Services to the Penistone Area Council on 4th June 2020, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic this was unable to take place.  Members agreed to hold a Workshop to receive this update by Age UK before the next Penistone Area Council due to be held on 1st October, 2020.


Members received an update on the Working Together Fund informing them that the balance of £61,030 still remained as the proposed Workshop to be held in March 2020 to discuss utilising this fund to support young people was unable to meet and that no further applications had been received for this grant to date.  Members were informed that the South Pennine Bus Service had finished receiving contracting arrangements at the end of June 2020, although a short extension was granted to carry forward services during the lockdown.  Funds to support CAB debt advice service were due to cease at the end of September 2020.  The Area Council Manager proposed members may wish to look at the Area Council Priorities and how to use these funds differently from the outcomes of the lockdown.


Members were informed that the new Clean, Green and Tidy Contract commenced during lockdown on 1st April, 2020 by Twiggs Grounds Maintenance Ltd.  The Quarter 4 performance report demonstrated satisfactory overall performance.  Members noted that the current contract had been flexed to meet the immediate needs during the Covid-19 lockdown period and it is performing as expected during the circumstances.


The Area Council Manager gave an update on the funds available to Ward Alliances, at the start of the 2020/21 financial year £36,970.05 was available to spend against the immediate needs to support the community, only 2 applications had been received so far at a total spend of £1277.40 leaving £35,962.65 to spend against the Ward Alliances Covid-19 priorities. 


Following the 4th June meeting recommending that Area Councils review their priorities following the crisis, it was recommended that members hold workshops to discuss how to align the Area Council priorities in aiding the recovery of the Borough and future spending implications.


At the meeting held on 13th February, 2020 members considered the continued use of the Penistone Living magazine with a view to making a decision at the planned meeting on 9th April which was cancelled.  Members felt it was important to continue using the magazine as a way of keeping the lines of communication open with residents.  Members received an update informing them Barnsley Chronicle had yet to reinstate the Penistone Living supplement which had been put on hold due to the Covid-19 crisis, this was to be monitored and investigated further and an update would be given to the Area Council at a future meeting.



An overview of the financial situation was given, with £163,225 remaining for distribution in 2020/21 including a cumulative underspend identified from previous years’ budgets.


Members discussed, due to the considerable remaining budget, whether following the outcome of the workshop around priorities it would be possible to set up a specific response fund in order to meet identified Covid-19 recovery priorities.  The Area Council Manager confirmed that it would be possible to set this up with a small Sub Group to determine criteria and how applications would be judged and act as Panel to oversee applications coming in.




(i)         that the update on procurement activity be received;


(ii)        that a Workshop be held before the 1st October Area Council Meeting to receive an update from Age UK;


(iii)       that members hold a Workshop to consider Penistone Area Council’s priorities and future likely spending implications;


(iv)       that support be given to future features in Penistone Living, with a report to be considered by a future meeting of the Area Council; and


(v)        that the current financial position be noted.


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