Agenda item

Land off Brook Hill Lane, Dunford Bridge, Barnsley, Sheffield - 2019/1013 - For approval


The Head of Planning and Building Control submitted a report on Planning Application 2019/1013:  National Grid's Visual Impact Provision (VIP) project involving the following works:1) Construction of a new sealing end compound, including permanent access; 2) Construction of a temporary haul road from Brook Hill Lane including widened bellmouth; 3) Construction of a temporary Trans Pennine Trail Diversion to be used for approximately 12 - 18 months; following construction approximately 410m of said diversion surface would be retained permanently; and 4) Erection of two bridges (one temporary and one permanent) along the Trans Pennine Trail diversion at land off Brook Hill Lane, Dunford Bridge, Barnsley, Sheffield.


Mr Andy Tickle (CPRE) and Mr Chris Baines (VIP Stakeholder Advisory Group) addressed the Board and spoke in favour of the Officer recommendation to approve the application.


Ms Laura Hobbs and Mr Pete Wall (Yorkshire Wildlife Trust) addressed the Board and spoke against the Officer recommendation to approve the application.


A recorded vote was taken, with the following Members voting to approve the application:  Councillor Richardson (Chair), T. Cave, Danforth, Frost, Green, Greenhough, Hayward, Leech, Makinson and Noble.  The vote was unanimous, as no Members voted to refuse the application and no Members abstained from voting.


RESOLVED that the application be granted in accordance with the Officer recommendation subject to conditions.

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