Agenda item

Discussion: reflections on the presentation and how the Area Council can assist our communities in recovery


Councillors were invited to ask questions on the presentation and how the Area Council can assist the community in recovery.  A number of issues were highlighted including specific items of note:


The Principal Towns project will still be going ahead.  Phase 1 of the project has been secured so projects will be delivered if this is what members want although the timescales may change.   The Public Toilets scheme in Cudworth is going ahead unless plans are to be amended, although there may be some contractual delays.  Indeed, contracts on the majority of projects have been signed so will go ahead. 


There are no proposals to change governance arrangements at the moment and meetings will have to take place ‘virtually’.  .  In the future more agile working from district centres may be possible.  The use of technology means people can be a lot more flexible, including working from home and in local offices, dependent on the individual and the service they work for.  Consideration will be given over the next few months as to how to get district centres up and running.  When shops and local businesses are able to reopen they will need help to re-establish and work safely and may need signage, advice around social distancing and queue management.  Members were aware of a number of local businesses who have managed the situation well with regard to queuing and keeping customers safe.


It was confirmed that Barnsley is NOT a hotspot for Coronavirus.  The figures for the period between 6th and 23rd May increased due to the fact that testing was stepped up, particularly in care homes.  Lots of positive results came back during this period which seemed to indicate disproportionate positive results, which engendered this headline.  It is a similar story in Barnsley to the rest of Yorkshire.  Incidences and numbers of deaths are slowing but people are still catching the disease and people continue to lose their lives.  It was highlighted that where communities have poor health outcomes generally and  those with underlying health issues are more at risk.  Barnsley will also feel the economic impact due to current levels of deprivation, which is why recovery planning is so important.  Until a vaccine is developed, this situation will need to be managed as effectively as possible.


Government guidance and advice from Public Health is still awaited in terms of reopening community venues.  Particular challenges exist with regard to libraries and managing numbers in the building.  In terms of risk assessments, assistance will be given where possible in accordance with government guidance.  Barnsley CVS will advise and assist organisations across the area.


RESOLVED that Members note the discussion and information provided.