Agenda item

Update on the Area Team work plan and allocation of finances for 2016/2017 (Dac.25.01.2016/4)


The Area Manager introduced the item, reminding Members of discussions earlier in the Month regarding the remaining 2015/16 financial allocation, and plans for delivery in 2016/17.


Members supported the arranging of a workshop to further explore health issues in the area, considering current data and the support already available to residents.


The meeting discussed the Dearne Development Fund, noting that £31,910 of the allocated £80,000 had been allocated but that 10 applications were yet to be considered.  It was therefore agreed to allocate a further £50,000 for the 2016/17 financial year to the fund, to be awarded as per the process previously agreed.




(i) that £50,000 be allocated to the Dearne Development Fund to be awarded in the financial year 2016/17;

(ii) that the workshop to further discuss the issue of health in the area be supported.


Supporting documents: