Agenda item

NEAC Financial Position and Procurement Update


The North East Area Council Manager introduced this item, updating Members regarding the commissioning budget and financial analysis for the period 2017/18 to 2020/21. 


Members were then reminded that the North East Area Council had agreed the specification for the Apprentices and Employability Commission and that it should go out to tender at the meeting on 30th November 2019.  However, BMBC’s Category Manager, Strategic Procurement & Commissioning Support, and Post 16 Partnership Manager has now been advised that all framework apprenticeships will no longer be funded by the Government after July 31st 2020, and will be replaced by new ‘standard’ frameworks.  It is therefore necessary to withdraw the Apprentices and Employability tender in order to be able to assess the impact this will have on the commission.  A waiver will be required until the end of July 2020, at a maximum cost of £70,866 to ensure there is no break in service until a revised commission is completed.




(i)            Members note the commissioning budget and financial analysis update report;


(ii)          withdraw the Apprentices and Employability tender in order to be able to assess the impact this will have on the commission;


(iii)         the Executive Director Communities be authorised to complete all necessary paperwork in order to waive contract procedure rules and extend the commission until the end of July 2020, at a cost of £70,866 to ensure there is no break in service until a revised commission is completed.



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