Agenda item

Lisa Blackburn and Rachel Lancaster will update the Area Council with regard to the Blue Badge Scheme


Emily Addy and Rachel Lancaster were welcomed to the meeting to talk about the Blue Badge Scheme, explaining in detail the process for applying for a Blue Badge and the scoring criteria which is issued by Central Government to determine eligibility.  It was highlighted that with regard to a non-visible or hidden disability, supporting medical evidence is required and the assessment is tailored to take account of ths.  If an application is refused, the applicant has the right to appeal to the Board.  There is no definitive criteria for armed forces personnel, as all assessments are based around mobility.


A discussion took place around the potential misuse of the Blue Badge Scheme.  It was explained by the Officers that they work closely with Civil Enforcement Officers to ensure that badges are used correctly.  Two prosecutions have been made, with another four in the pipeline.


RESOVED that Members note the information provided and that Emily and Rachel be thanked for their attendance and contribution.