Agenda item

Land south of New Smithy Avenue, Thurlstone - 2019/0689 and 2019/0690 - For Approval


The Head of Planning and Building Control submitted a report on Planning Application No 2019/0689 (Erection of 9 dwellings and associated access, landscaping and infrastructure and 2018/0690 (Application for the approval of reserved matters for 21 dwellings pursuant to outline planning permission ref 2017/0088 appearance, layout, scale and landscaping) at land south of New Smithy Avenue, Thurlstone, S36 9QZ.


RESOLVED that the applications be deferred to allow Officers the opportunity to re-examine this application and application 2019/0690, in particular the impact on highway safety, to see if an alternative comprehensive development could be achieved that would work for the whole site and reduce the demands on the highway network.

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