Agenda item

Children's Social Care Performance

To consider the Children’s Social Care Performance Cover Report (Item 8a attached) in respect of the Data Report (Item 8b attached) and Explanatory Document (Item 8c attached).



The following witnesses were welcomed to the meeting:


·         Mel John-Ross, Service Director, Children’s Social Care & Safeguarding, BMBC

·         Cllr Margaret Bruff, Cabinet Spokesperson – Children’s Services (formerly People - Safeguarding)


The Chair congratulated Mel John-Ross on her recent appointment to the post of Executive Director, Children’s Services.


The Service Director, Children’s Social Care and Safeguarding, introduced this item and provided Members with the monthly children’s social care report, which contained an overview of the major performance indicators for children’s safeguarding and social care for Quarter 2 (2019/20).  The report included a summary section with an overview of performance, using RAG (Red, Amber, Green) ratings and direction of travel for most indicators. Barnsley's historical performance and comparisons with other local authorities were also included. 


Issues discussed included re-referral rates, the Neglect Strategy, the Graded Care Profile, adoption timescales, agency workers, recruitment and increased social worker caseloads.  Implementation of the Neglect Strategy has seen over 900 practitioners trained, increased awareness of the impact of neglect and more cases being referred.


Members were reassured that decision making is sound whilst acknowledging  that poverty is complex and multi-faceted.  It was also highlighted that re-referral rates for this period have come down and are now below benchmarking targets. 


RESOLVED that:  Members note the update and witnesses be thanked for their attendance and contribution