Agenda item

Monk Bretton - held on 10th May, 21st June and 2nd August 2019


Monk Bretton – The Ward Alliance supported the ‘Medieval Mayhem event at Monk Bretton Priory.  The day was very successful and there is a desire to build on this for next year’s event.  Monk Bretton did well in the Yorkshire in Bloom contest, with the War Memorial rceiving a platinum aware, and Monk Bretton Park achieving a Gold award.  It was also reported that the Brass on the Grass event was attended by more than 300 people, who enjoyed listening to the brass band playing.  Councillor Green confirmed that 95% of shops in Lundwood have now been visited, and have agreed to be dementia friendly.


RESOLVED that the notes from the Monk Bretton Ward Alliance be received and the update noted.




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