Agenda item

Tackling Social Isolation and loneliness - Age UK Barnsley (Sac.06.09.2019/2)


Jane Holiday from Age UK Barnsley was welcomed to the meeting to inform Members of the plans in place as part of the commission to reduce social isolation.


Two workers were now in place who would each be working 32.5 hours per week in the area. The project built on the knowledge gained in the pilot in the area, and Members noted that there would be a cross over period between this and the commissioned service.  Members heard how the next three weeks would see officers networking, making contacts in the community, distributing publicity, and raising awareness through social media.


The project looked to help tackle social isolation at a number of levels, from one-to-one support through to merely signposting.  The project undertakes non-intrusive assessments through conversations to understand the needs and support required in order to address the impact of social isolation and the cause.


Interventions included pairing individuals through the Good Neighbour Scheme and supporting users through the Community Car Scheme either individually or in groups.  Members noted that improvements in wellbeing would be measured using relevant tools.


Noted was the focus on three areas:- improving access and use of IT, improving physical activity, and engaging men who are normally less likely to engage in activities.  Members heard how recent data for suicide had shown increases in males aged 80-84 and the meeting discussed the reasons behind this which included social isolation.


Members also heard of the support given to groups. This would vary depending on the needs of the group, but included support such as assisting those which may be struggling to remove any barriers to increasing their membership.  In addition work would be ongoing with U3A to establish groups with any theme suggested viable through consultation.


It was noted that there were also plans to work within the South Area with shops, businesses and groups in an attempt for them to make small changes to become dementia friendly.  In addition an age friendly group was planned to start to make the area more age friendly in general, meeting the challenge of adapting to an ageing population before this becomes a crisis.  This local age friendly group would feed into wider arrangements in Barnsley.


Members were consulted on a draft flyer, and agreed that the project be named ‘Better Together’ with the four wards of the South Area mentioned under the title.


Members supported the work already undertaken and that planned, and looked forward to receiving performance information in due course.


Some concern was expressed with regards to the engagement of those most isolated, and assurances were given that a variety of means were used to make residents aware of the service.   This included through partners such as GP surgeries, pharmacy home delivery services, community health teams and local supermarkets.


Those present discussed the issues in relation to lack of adequate toilets, and the need for this to feed into age friendly considerations.


Also noted was the impact of changes to public transport and the impact this could have on the social isolation of many residents.  Noted was the Community Car Service, which would help to address issues such as this, and that Age UK Barnsley also would be feeding concerns in to the Bus Review and feature in discussions with SYPTE.



(i)            That thanks be given for the presentation;

(ii)          That the performance of the project feature in future reports to the Area Council;

(iii)         That further information is brought to the Area Council around suicide rates in order to better understand the issue.