Agenda item

One Stop Shop Presentation


The meeting welcomed David Andy, Zoe Ellis-Georgiou and Phil Beer to the meeting to deliver a presentation on the work of the ‘One Stop Shop’ project. 


Members noted the aim of the project, how it was funded, and how the project had been designed.  The presentation then explored some of the achievements made since its inception.


From June, 2014 to January, 2016 the project had engaged with 1,425 clients.  The top three areas for which the clients sought assistance were for benefits, debt and legal advice.  Members heard how over £1m of debt had been managed and 36 cases of homelessness had been averted. Over £1.1m of additional benefit had been gained, and it was noted that this equated to £16 benefit gained for every £1 invested.


The meeting heard how this figure grew to £28.81 per £1 invested when considering a wider social return on investment.


The high levels of satisfaction felt by clients was noted, as was the proportion of clients feeling ‘much better’ after using the service.  Members noted the breakdown of clients, acknowledging that 39% were in work at least 16 hours per week, 19% were retirees, and only 10% were unemployed.


Members were presented with some case studies, giving details of a number of clients helped, and the difference this had made to their lives.


The meeting discussed the success of the project, stressing the significance of the sessions being held in the evening, of using local venues, and of joint working.


With regards to joint working, the meeting noted the link between reducing debt and improving health, particularly mental health, and discussed how projects such as this could link to more social prescribing by GPs.


RESOLVED that the contents of the presentation be noted, and that the presenters be thanked for their work on the commission.

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