Agenda item

Outcome of Health and Wellbeing Workshop and Recommendations - Cath Bedford and Rosie Adams


Cath Bedford introduced this item and updated Members with regard to the discussions which took place at a recent workshop to explore the opportunity for a North Area Council funded young people’s project.  Issues discussed included the barriers that prevent young people from thriving; risky behaviour and how to prevent it; mental health/anxiety; low levels of self-esteem; transitions (e.g. from primary to secondary school) and building emotional resilience.  A number of knowledge gaps were also identified in terms of what various services currently provide. Consideration was given to what the North Area Council could focus on to improve the life chances of young people in the North Area whilst being mindful of making the best use of limited resources and avoidance of duplication.


The issue of service design came through clearly, for example there is an excess of referrals to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) whilst at the same time there are opportunities within the community to help young people facing these types of issues.  What is clear is that there is a need for a further workshop to explore the themes which emerged together with an identification of the outcomes the North Area Council wants to achieve in order to protect and empower young people and provide them with opportunities to thrive.  The exact format of the workshop is yet to be determined, however it will involve a co-design element.


The next step is the production of a short conversational film during the

summer holidays.   It was reported that Script Media is the preferred provider and filming starts this week over the next 3 weeks, with the finished article completed by the 2nd week of September in readiness for the September North Area Council meeting.  CAMHS, YMCA and Ad Astra have confirmed involvement.  Filming will take place in community venues during school holidays.  It is hoped that difficult to engage young people will be involved.  Schools have been included and were invited to the workshop sessions. 




(i)            The update be noted, and


(ii)          Members agreed a further developmental workshop with stakeholders and Members of the Priority Working Group for Young People.

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