Agenda item

North East Area Council Priorities and Financial Considerations (Neac 03.12.15/8)


Due to his previously declared interest in respect of this item, Councillor Hayward left the meeting during discussion and voting on this item.  In view of the absence of the Chair, Councillor Cheetham was appointed as Chair for this item only.


Members considered an extension to the contract for the North East Environment Team initiatives for the Cudworth and North East areas, and the Monk Bretton and Royston areas for a further 6 months going forward from 1st March 2016 to 1st September 2016 to ensure continuity of provision, pending the review of the Commissioning and Procurement Framework, which should lead to a co-ordinated approach to commissioning.


It was highlighted that the provider was meeting and surpassing targets. 




(i)         that the North East Area Council continues to fund the North East Environment Team initiatives for the Cudworth and North East areas, and the Monk Bretton and Royston areas for a further 6 months from 1st March 2016 to ensure continuity of provision under the contract, and


(ii)        that authorisation be given to the Interim Service Director of Safer, Stronger, Healthier Communities, in conjunction with the Interim Head of Strategic Commissioning and Procurement to complete the paperwork to extend the contract.



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