Agenda item

Road Safety (Sac.14.06.2019/5)


Diane Lee, Head of Public Health, introduced the item making Members aware that road safety was now part of Public Health.  Members heard how two road safety officers were employed and provided a range of training to schools which was age specific.


Members heard of the work undertaken in a number of schools in the area, and the details of a number of accidents in the area were also discussed, highlighting the need for increased road safety awareness.


It was agreed to circulate details of the schools in the South Area, and which had engaged with officers.  A suggestion was made to map the schools who did not engage with either the service, with other Council departments or Members in order to make concerted efforts to address this issue.



(i)            That thanks be given for the presentation;

(ii)          That details of the service available to assist road safety in schools be circulated to Members;

(iii)         That details of which schools were engaged with the service be circulated to Members, in order to promote the service to those which were not.