Agenda item

Performance Management Report Q4 (Cen.03.06.2019/3)


The Area Council Manager introduced the report which covered the period January to March, 2019.  Members noted the time lag between the end of the quarter and the meeting to consider performance.


Members noted the overview of services and how they contributed to the delivery against the priorities of the Area Council.  Also noted were the cumulative achievements from April 2017 to 31st March, 2019.


Part B of the report provided a narrative impact for each of the commissioned services.  For the contract with Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) it was noted that there were a number of areas rated as red and amber.  Performance in some areas was below target, and in others was above.  Members heard of a change of staff managing the contract, and anomalies in reporting that were in the process of being resolved.  It was noted that the report contained case studies of the campaigns and activities undertaken by RVS and the advice and support provided within the quarter.


With regards to the contract delivered by YMCA to increase the emotional resilience and wellbeing of young people, Members noted that the service had completed their second year of delivery.  All targets had been met or exceeded.  Within the quarter 124 sessions had been held, with 44 new participants attending.  It was noted that whilst the number of new participants was relatively low, the service aimed to work with young people over a longer period of time.  Within the quarter there had been 1,500 attendances and Members noted that half term activities had been arranged in addition to regular weekly sessions.


Members questioned the male/female split, noting that more females participated.  It was acknowledged that YMCA was aware of this issue and striving to attract more males. However, it was noted that the venues were less suited to the activities which boys and young men liked to participate in, which were often outside.  Members noted the high numbers of those engaged with disabilities and heard of the range of health needs of a significant number of others taking part.


Those present heard of the increases in emotional resilience and wellbeing reported by participants, and the differences in results seen between those attending afterschool clubs and youth clubs, with those attending the latter reporting greater levels of improvement on average.


Members discussed the contribution of young people involved with the YMCA to the Central Area Council awards event, and thanks were given for their efforts.


An update was provided in relation to the final quarter of the contract with Kingdom Security to provide Environmental Enforcement. Since April, 2017 1,225 Fixed Penalty Notices had been issued, with 14 being issued for littering in the previous quarter and 15 for dog fouling.  Members considered the variation between Wards in the numbers of Fixed Penalty Notices issued. Members were assured that patrolling had been equally distributed between the Wards.


Members noted that patrolling was led by intelligence and this would continue to be the case going forward when the contract for Environmental Enforcement is delivered by District Enforcement. Therefore Members were encouraged to continue to supply intelligence, and encourage residents to do the same.


Those present discussed the use of payment plans for those in financial hardship and litter picking in lieu of paying the notice for young people over 12.  Members also discussed the need to keep publicising the number of notices issued to act as a deterrent.


The meeting went on to consider the performance of Twiggs Grounds Maintenance, and their work to improve the environment with the local community.  Within the quarter 120 additional pieces of work were undertaken, and 15 social action projects led. 23 new volunteers had also been engaged. 


Members commented on the support of Twiggs during the Great British Spring Clean, in particular the 551 event which had around 100 volunteers attending.  All present praised the work to enhance the area.


Those present discussed changes to the Neighbourhood Service programme, including to grass cutting schedules, and it was agreed that a representative be invited to a future meeting to make Members aware of any changes.


The recently established Service Level Agreements to target household fly tipping and support residents in low cost private rented accommodation were now fully established, though would not formally report performance until June.


Members questioned whether any enforcement had taken place as a result of the Service Level Agreement. It was noted that enforcement was only usually taken as a last resort, with officers seeking to resolve this before any enforcement action was taken.


It was acknowledged that the start date had been revised for the service delivered by Family Lives; therefore the service would report performance at the next meeting.



(i)            That the report be noted.

(ii)          That a representative of Neighbourhood Services be invited to a future meeting of the Area Council in order to make Members aware of any recent changes to the service.

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