Agenda item

Environmental Enforcement Service Level Agreement Update


The Area Council Manager introduced this item providing an update about the Environmental Enforcement Service Level Agreement with the Safer Neighbourhoods Service and to seek approval to implement an electronic approach to the processing of FPN as part of the agreement. 


The contract was awarded to District Enforcement at a cost of £65,000 per annum and a meeting was held with them to discuss their tender submission, outcome indicators and targets for the contract.  It was also discussed about the potential use of handheld electronic devices and the administration function being fully electronic for the processing of tickets.  It was highlighted that to provide this service it was proving difficult to remain in the original contract price for the Service Level Agreement due to a £10 processing charge for every FPN.  It was therefore proposed that an additional £14,480 be allocated.


There was a brief discussion of the operations of this SLA, the number of officers employed and the services provided which was considered to be essential.




(i)         members approve £14,480 for a Service Level Agreement with the Safer Neighbourhoods Service; and


(ii)        electronic processing of tickets be implemented and delivered with a view to reviewing the process after an initial 6 month period.



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