Agenda item

North East Area Council Project Performance Report - update on the delivery of commissioned projects


The Area Council Manager introduced this item, drawing attention to the performance of a number of projects, including the Stop Smoking contract which was reported as having a 28% success rate.  The 6 week pilot in Shafton School for young people stopping smoking had had been successful and 17 people had already signed up and Teachers were thrilled and hoped to get extra funding from Public Health to extend the project to 6 months at both schools.  ASOS were also wishing to sign up to become a clean building and were hoping to train their trainers to deliver this service to Staff.  Reference was made to the success of the Milefield Farm Project and that staff from Westgate and Gateway had been out to help paint stables and improve the paddock and that although the farm is difficult to get to schools should be encouraged to visit. 


Reference was made to the Proms Project which had received great interest and 16 outfits had been hired out to people who previously wouldn’t have been able to go.  The Period Poverty Scheme was proving successful, particularly in schools, and funding had been given for advice sessions which would be starting after Easter for young ladies to be able to talk in a quiet and sensitive environment and to receive advice on the importance of hygiene and be given the necessary products they may need.  It was noted that schools were looking at putting packs together for some young ladies to get them through the school holidays.   


An update was also given on Quarter 4 of the Environmental Enforcement Contract and the officers concentrating their patrols around intelligence led information from complaints on the street and the community as a whole.  There has been an increase in specific witness information of offenders throwing litter from vehicles due to the recent change in law, which result in a FPN before prosecution at court. Dog fouling and litter prosecutions continue resulting in offenders either paying or pleading guilty before court and there has been a 99% success rate of people being found guilty at court.  However there is a growing concern around being unable to pursue offenders who fail to pay due to lack of space in court.  The revenue to date from FPN’s for this quarter is £810.00.


A number of case studies were also highlighted to demonstrate the positive impact of various projects in the community.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.

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