Agenda item

Indicative Internal Audit Plan 2019/20


The Head of Infernal Audit and Corporate Anti-Fraud will submit a report presenting the indicative Internal Audit Plan for the financial (audit) year 2019/20, describing the rationale and process for setting the plan, the risk assessment process used and how Internal Audit resources are calculated and deployed.


The Head of Internal Audit and Corporate Anti-Fraud submitted a report presenting the indicative Internal Audit Plan for the financial (audit) year 2019/20, describing the rationale and process for setting the plan, the risk assessment process used and how Internal Audit resources were calculated and deployed.


He reported that additional work was required to further distil the key priorities and key areas of focus as this would ensure that the limited Internal Audit resources were appropriately targeted to key areas of risk and, therefore, gave most added value.  In addition, it was also reported that a minor restructure of the Service would be undertaken to better align the staffing profile with the client base.  The new structure would be fully implemented for 1st July, 2109.  He therefore proposed to submit a further report on the Internal Audit Plan to the meeting in April. 


Members attention was drawn to key aspects of the Indicative Plan as outlined within Paragraph 5 of the report now submitted.  In addition, discussions had taken place with the Service Director Finance (Section 151 Officer) and in recognition that the risk profile for the Council had changed, an additional 20% of time was proposed to be allocated to the Council in 2019/20.




(i)            That the draft indicative Internal Audit Plan 2019/20 be approved I principle acknowledging the need for the head of Internal Audit to finalise the planned service restructure;


(ii)               That an updated Internal Audit Plan 2019/20 be submitted for approval at the next meeting to be held on the 17th April, 2019.