Agenda item

Procurement and Financial Update (Cen.11.01.2016/5)


The Area Council Manager introduced the item and provided an update with regards to the two procurement exercises currently being progressed on behalf of the Area Council.


With regards to the procurement of a service to ‘Create a Cleaner and Greener Environment in Partnership with Local People’ it was noted that the advert for submissions had been placed with a closing date of 29th January, 2016.  The tender was expected to be awarded towards the end of February, 2016 with the contract commencing 21st April, 2016.


Members then heard of progress in procuring the Environmental Enforcement Service.  It was noted that the closing date for the return of tenders had passed and two had been received.  Approval was expected to be given to a preferred contractor by 27th January, 2016 in order for the contract to commence on 1st April, 2016. 


Members sought assurances that the contract would not be awarded on price alone, but that a quality service was required.  The Area Manager confirmed that the specification of requirements and procurement strategy would help to ensure this.  Concern was expressed with regards to a Member representative not being included on the tender evaluation panel, noting the timescales involved and the practice of other Area Councils not to include Members on the Panels.  It was agreed that the Chair would formally raise this concern with relevant officers involved in procurement.


Members were reminded of previous discussion, where an indication was given that they would like to continue providing a home visiting and support service for families with young children, as currently provided by Homestart.  In order to do this it was suggested that the current contract with Homestart be extended until 31st March, 2016 at a cost of £5,300 and that a procurement exercise is undertaken to commission a service from 1st April, 2016 to 31st March, 2017.


The Area Manager updated the meeting on the progress made in delivering a Youth Programme to improve the health and wellbeing of young people aged 13-19 years.  The Youth Programme Panel had met on 8th December, 2015 and recommended three projects, which had subsequently been approved by the Executive Director Communities.  The meeting discussed the projects to be delivered and Members taking part in the Panel remarked how well the process had gone.


The meeting considered the unallocated finance remaining for 2016/17, of £126,372, which combined with expected levels of income from Fixed Penalty Notices resulted in a figure of £156,372 remaining for use in 2016/17.


Members wished to express their thanks to all the staff involved in the delivery of Central Area Council commissioned services, and it was agreed that a letter be sent to this effect.




(i)        that the update on procurement of the Environment Enforcement Service, and the service to Create a Cleaner and Greener Environment in Partnership with Local People be noted;


(ii)       that the Chair formally raises the issue regarding Members desire to be involved on Tender Evaluation Panels with officers in procurement;


(iii)      that authorisation be given to Executive Director Communities to complete the necessary paperwork in order to waive the contract procedure rules to extend the following contracts until 31st March, 2017:-

            Royal Voluntary Service – Reducing loneliness and isolation in older people – at a cost of £85,000;

YMCA – Improving the overall health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 8-12 years – at a cost of £81,000.


(iv)      that authorisation be given to the Executive Director Communities to complete necessary paperwork to progress the approach suggested to deliver a ‘Private rented home visiting and support service for families with young children’, firstly by extending the current contract delivered by Homestart to 31st March, 2016 at a cost of £5,300 and subsequently seeking 3 quotations to deliver the service from 1st April, 2016 to 31st March, 2017 to a value of £21,000;


(v)       that the feedback from the Youth Programme approach and resulting appointment of providers to deliver a service to improve the overall health and wellbeing of young people aged 13-19 years across the Central Council Area be noted;


(vi)       that the projected financial position for 2015/16 and 2016/17 be noted;


(vii)     that the Chair puts in writing thanks to the officers delivering commissioned services on behalf of Central Area Council.


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