Agenda item

Commissioning, Project Development and Finance Update - update financial profile


The Area Council Manager introduced this item, highlighting the various projects commissioned by the Area Council in line with priorities.  These included the success of the Housing Migration Officer post, which works well from Royston Police Station.  The contract for this post has been extended for a further 12 months from 22nd January 2018.  The Opportunities for Young People project, highlighted in the report, is also very successful.  It was pointed out that the contract for the Social Inclusion Project went ‘live’ on 1st January, with a ‘soft launch’ for the service planned for 31st January. 


A new funding opportunity for the Stronger Communities Grant is currently out to advert, with a closing date for applications of 25th January.  Members were encouraged to ensure any applications they are aware of are submitted as a matter of urgency. 


The Area Council Manager reported that there is an underspend of approximately £189,028 for 2018/19, which includes underspend from previous years. 




(i)            Members note the existing budget position and forecast for funding commitments;


(ii)          Members note the update on the Social Inclusion and Fuel Poverty Reduction inception phase together with the report (included on the as a separate item)regarding the continuation of hOurbank, and


(iii)         Members note the current financial position.

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