Agenda item

Community Magazine (Dac.25.03.2019/7)


The Area Council Manager reminded Members of previous agreements to produce a Community Magazine twice a year.  This had been produced on a cost neutral basis, with advertising space subsidising Area Council content. The only cost was associated with distribution.


The most recently publication had been produced by a new provider, and there had a number of issues with the process.   Therefore the issue had been brought to Members for their opinion.


Those present considered the impact of the production of a magazine, and it was felt to be positive, celebrating the involvement of volunteers in the area.  However, the work to produce a publication was noted, as was the inappropriate nature of some adverts in the previous edition.  It was noted that no formal feedback had been received on the publication, but the volume of calls to the area team had increased significantly following the distribution of each edition of the magazine.  It was suggested that social media could be used to gain feedback on the magazine, and statistics on the numbers downloaded from the Council website could also be gained.


After considering a number of options, it was suggested that costs be considered for the production of a magazine by the area team for distribution throughout the Dearne area.  A suggestion was made to consider whether a larger business in the area may wish to provide sponsorship.


RESOLVED that a future meeting of the Area Council considers costings associated with the production and distribution of its own magazine for the Area.


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