Agenda item


To accept as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 9th September, 2015


The minutes of the meeting held on the 9th September, 2015 were taken as read and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Arising out of the discussion, reference was made to the Information Update provided at the close of the meeting and to the Music Event held on 17th October, 2015 in woods off Engine Lane, Shafton for which a Temporary Event Notice had been submitted.


It was noted that whilst no official complaints had been received, the Pollution Control Section were, nevertheless, concerned about noise levels encountered on the night.  In the event that a further Temporary Event Notice was submitted in respect of this land, it was likely that a more stringent Noise Management Plan would be required.


Several Members commented that a number of residents had raised concerns with them about noise emanating from this Event but they had not submitted more formal complaints.  The Senior Licensing Officer emphasised the importance of residents submitting representations as these could inform future discussions should a further Temporary Event Notice be submitted.


Members asked to place on record their thanks and appreciation to all Officers for their hard work in monitoring the event and in ensuring that it went as smoothly as possible.

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