Agenda item

South Area Council future commissions. (Sac.23.10.2015/8)


The Area Council manager introduced the item, which followed on from discussion at the previous meeting.


Members were referred to section 4.4 – 4.6 of the report, which presented the costs for re-commissioning existing projects within the area and potential start dates for the new contracts.  The meeting noted variations in costs, largely due to inflationary increases, however it was noted that the suggested number of student places on the Summer Holiday Internship was lower.   Councillors were keen to ensure that the Tidy Team commission employees were paid the living wage.


The meeting went on to discuss a number of potential projects which had been further developed following discussions at the previous Area Council meeting, as detailed at 5.2 of the report. 


Members discussed the provision of youth services in the area in some depth before agreeing that it would be preferable to undertake some consultation to map current provision and identify gaps before commissioning anything substantial.


The meeting considered how some young people might not be able to access the suggested provision delivered by South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, and it was agreed to consider utilising a community bus in order to ensure that all young people could be included.



i) approval be given to re-commission the current projects, for a year with the ability to extend for a future year based on availability of finance, satisfactory performance, and the continued need as identified by the Area Council -

a) One stop shop at a cost of £73,950 per year;

b) Tidy Team at a cost of £165,000 per year plus any increases due to implementing the living wage;

c) Summer Internship Programme at a cost of £36,000 for 50 students;

d) Tidy Team Apprenticeships at a cost of £24,720 for 4 places;


ii) the following projects be taken forward for further development and commissioning in 2016/17 –

a) Provision of 100 x A3 ‘This area is maintained by volunteers’ signs for clean up sites at a cost of £375;

b) A young person led consultation programme, to produce a full asset map of existing provision and a gap analysis to inform future commissioning at a cost of up to £5,000;

c) Delivery of a Health Asset Mapping conference at a cost of £1,000;

d) Provision of a Fire Cadet scheme for young people at a cost of £12,157.81 per year for 16 cadets meeting 39 times a year;

e) Provision of a 1 week Achieving Respect & Confidence (ARC) course for 14 young people at risk of offending at a cost of £5,000;

f) Funding a veteran support pack and launch conference at a cost of £2,000, should external grant finance not be forthcoming.

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